What's on my Playlist: DJ Lobsterdust

I haven't yet made sense of the name, but this guy's mashups are some of the highest quality out there, and don't worry-- I'm way past the stage of jamming out to any two top 40 tracks tossed in a blender. Lobsterdust states on his website, "I'll mash up anything with anything", and while the NYC DJ doesn't take requests and only releases new material every once in a blue moon, you can count on it being something worth listening to when he does. He's blended everyone from Carly Rae Jepsen to Iron Maiden, and isn't always confined to two artists per track either. In today's world just about anyone can throw together a mediocre mashup like a quick turkey sandwich. Lobsterdust's tracks stand out in that they are crisp, clean, on key, and cover a wide array of contemporary and classic artists. There's a Lobsterdust mash for every occasion, from partying to "Star Buzzin'" to getting it in at the gym with "Texas Tension" to sobbing over your recent breakup with "Baby Arrow." Though he's always stayed on the low, the Lobster tends to get largely positive reviews. If you're tired of scrolling through YouTube to find your new favorite combination of contrasting musical stylings, then be prepared to add some major flavor to your music collection with DJ Lobsterdust.


From right to left: Maurice, Barry, Robin, and Nelly Gibb
