Tiny Moving Parts-"Celebrate" (album)

Tiny Moving Parts are one of those bands that have had a hard time defining themselves over the course of their existence. Are they emo? Are they pop punk? Are they math rock? They are indeed a mixture of the three, and those who have had a difficult time digesting their strikingly unique sound will find their latest release Celebrate to ring true to its namesake. It's a coming-of-age celebration for the three piece band from Benson, MN. They have managed to create an album that by far surpasses their previous works in terms of emotional rush, catchiness, musical talent, and togetherness. There is plenty of sadness to go around, but it's delivered in a way that will keep your chin up. Never before have TMP released a collection of songs so full of gang vocals and crashing choruses, yet still rich with poetically dreary lyricism. They're certainly more accessible, but poppy? I don't think so. Right from the get go on the opener, "Good Enough," you can hear guitarist Dylan Mattheisen's intricate plucking and tapping at work. And I don't know what kind of glitchy effect pedal he uses on "Breathe Deep" but it sounds awesome. Staying true to their northern roots, the lyrics are full of descriptive seasonal (especially winter) and wildlife imagery. Really though it's a lot of wintery stuff, from "igloo mountains" to "icicles" to the track "Stay Warm." These analogies only help to convey the feelings of hopelessness, uncertainty, and loneliness that TMP sing about on Celebrate. If you haven't given TMP a listen, now is the perfect time. They might just be the most talented three-piece alternative rock band out there right now, and if this record doesn't make a case for that then I don't know what will.
