A Scent Like Wolves-"Frigid Future" (album)

This is my first exposure to this Reading, PA band and I have to say they bring a lot to the table. Upon seeing their band logo I had low expectations because it looks like that of any low-tier metalcore/hardcore band trying to make it; oh man, a pen sketch font with an X through the O in "Wolves"...how edgy. But their sound on their latest record is a lot more mature than their logo suggests. I would definitely label this band metalcore, and their whiny vocalist does cleans like any other. But this album is all about juxtaposition. His memorable chorus lines are accented by the other vocalist, whose harsh yells and growls make the music less about the sing-along factor and more about a deeper emotional connection. That emotion is further accentuated by mature, fleshed out guitar passages and complex drum fills. These songs don't rush a breakdown or constantly charge themselves up with gang vocals. They incorporate many musical techniques and and styles from within the scene metal sphere to create a well-polished sound that only seems fitting to be played by six band members. Yes, the songs can be catchy in the most sugary way at times, but they are delivered in a way that fans of more progressive acts can surely appreciate. They've even supported Intervals and Plini!
